MERG’s team has decades of experience of working globally with governments, companies, First Nations and civil society.
We tackle complex problems and craft practical, integrated and lasting solutions.
We focus on effectively addressing the needs of directly affected communities and individuals using bottom-up methods and strategies.

Our Services

Strategy and governance

Strategy and governance

We help organizations and networks strengthen their strategy and governance.

How we do this:

• Facilitating processes to address organizational challenges and change.

• Designing and leading forums and initiatives to build successful relations among different sectors.

• Building outreach and engagement strategies among diverse groups who are in conflict or in need of dialogue on areas of disagreement.

Program and regulatory frameworks

Program and regulatory frameworks

We can help you improve programs and regulatory frameworks for the extractive sector. We specialize in large and small scale mining.

How we do this:

• Evaluating and designing resource extraction policy, law and regulatory frameworks.

• Developing and implementing capacity building for institutions and organizations involved in extractive sector reforms and improvements.

Sustainability practices

Sustainability practices

Through research and analysis, we can build your understanding of how to improve sustainability practices.

How we do this:

• Conducting environmental and socio-economic impacts analysis and review.

• Evaluating project plans for application of best practices and sustainability strategies.

• Analyzing regional and sectoral situations to address conflict and benefit challenges.

• Supporting the building of assurance and certification systems for responsible extraction of natural resources.

• Designing and implementing of chain of custody systems for responsible resource extraction and use.